Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Testing using low bandwidth on your local machine

I’d like to introduce this free and useful application, which simulates working in low bandwidth on local machine.

We all know that the testing environment usually established on our internal LAN which has speed 100 MB\Second so when conducting the manual testing we use the full speed 100MB\Sec which maybe prevent some errors from occur (actually this happened to me, the issue was only reproducible on low bandwidth connection).

The tool “NetPeeker” is a free tool that enables you to throttle the speed on your local PC.

You can download the tool from: http://www.net-peeker.com/Download/NetPeekerPersonal310_1.zip

With this tool you can limit the speed on your whole network card or for specific application (example. Limit the speed only on IE)

To limit the speed to the whole network connection:

1- Open the application

2- From right upper corner click on the “T” letter

3- Then select “Enable Throotle”

4- To setup the throttle select “Throttle Settings”

5- The from network interface select your network card then select the maximum upload rate and maximum download rate.

To limit the speed to the specific application:

1- From the main form select the application and right click on it then select “limit Speed”

2- Then you can configure the speed you want from the following form :

Expected data transfer speed for each DSL cable speed :

Internet Speed

Data Transfer
Speed (Files)

256 kbps

~31 KB/s

512 kbps

~62.5 KB/s

1 mbps

~122.1 KB/s

kbps = kilobits per second
mbps = megabits per second
KB/s = KiloBytes per second

*To convert from network speed (kilobits per second, kbps) to transfer rates (KiloBytes per second, KB/s), multiply by 0.1220703125.

Note: if you want to test the appliation behavior on 512k net speed you must configure the NetPeeker with ~ 62 KB for download speed and ~ 31 KB for upload (as usualy the upload rate is lower than the download rate)

Or you can ask the customer to test the speed on the intend environment by using this site : http://www.bandwidthplace.com/

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